


Using interactive technologies to promote a dialogic space for creating collaboratively: a study in secondary education. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 32, (pp. 1-16).

Pifarré, M. (2019).

Promoting social creativity in science education with digital technology to overcome inequalities: a literature review. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1474.

Aguilar, D. & Pifarré, M. (2019).

Designing a dialogic technology-enhanced pedagogy to support collaborative creativity (425-438). In N. Mercer, R. Wegerif & L. Major. The Routhledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. London: Routhledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-33851-7

Pifarré, M. (2019).

Building up students’ data analytics skills to solve real world problems. In Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (No. 19). Freudenthal Group; Freudenthal Institute; ERME.

Kazak, S., Fujita, T. & Pifarré, M. (2019). 

Co-creative skills using Technology: key competences for students’ participation in a globalized world. Paper invitado en el Symposium: Promoting socio-cognitive development through interaction in a globalized world. Organizado por Javier Díez-Palomar y Liesel Ebersöhn. Congreso: Future of Democracy and Education: Realizing Equity and Social Justice Worldwide – WERA. Tokyo (Japón). 5-8 Agosto 2019. Organismo/Institución que la organiza: World Education Research Association – WERA.

Pifarré, M. (2019).


Desarrollar, orquestrar, y evaluar procesos de creatividad colaborativa con tecnología móvil en secundaria. Simposio en el IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Pedagogía CIPE18. Logroño.

Pifarré, M., Aguilar, D., Selfa, M., Martí, L., Cujba, A. & Cerrillo, A. (2018).

Scaffolds to support the development of scientific skills in physics. Comunicación llevada a cabo en el Research and Innovation in Physics Education GIREP-MPTL18. San Sebastian.

Ferreira, J. & Pifarré, M. (2018).