Andreea Cujba

PhD Student at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education. Universitat de Lleida. 

Graduated in Psychology (2014) and Master’s degree in General Health Psychology (2017), Universitat de Lleida.

She is currently an FPI fellow of the project Develop, orchestrate and evaluate collaborative creativity processes with mobile technology in secondary school (EDU2016-80258-R), funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. She is doing her doctoral thesis within the framework of the Doctorate program in Education, Society and Quality of Life at the University of Lleida. She is focusing her PhD study on how the use of technology enhances the attitudes towards statistics in secondary education. She is also centred on collaborative work and problem-based learning as measures to reduce statistical anxiety.

She has experience as a researcher in different national and international projects. Her research interests are related with the role of interactive technologies in promoting social and cognitive development. Currently she is researching pedagogical and technological design for supporting and promoting collaborative creativity processes with technology.

Ascribed to the project "SPIDAS -Strategic Partnership for Innovation in Data Analytics in Schools", co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

"Tell me and I forget it. Show me and I remember it. Involve me and I learn it." Benjamin Franklin