A successful human team is a united team

The group

The COnTIC group investigates the promotion of creativity, innovation and digitalisation in the classroom with a diverse group of interdisciplinary, inter-institutional and international people.


In order to achieve this goal, the main activities of the group are:



Párrafo grupo
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Studying the learning process
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This group studies the impact of interactive technologies as mediating tools for learning and developing singular cognitive processes and social interaction.
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Fostering collaboration and co-creation with technology
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The group also promote, through innovative technology, processes of collaboration and co-creation between small working groups.
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Designing didactic materials
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The groups designs, develops and implements educational materials that promote the development of co-creative and innovative processes with technology.


Manoli Pifarré Turmo

Principal researcher

Rupert Wegerif

Esther Argelagós Castaño

Ruth Cobos Pérez

Andreea Cujba

Mercè del Barrio Arranz

Noemí Font Piqué

Alejandro Guijosa Guzmán

Alba Guiral Herrera

Rossanna Jové Amador

UI Haq, Ijaz

Noemí Verdú Surroca


David Aguilar

Laia Cutillas

Enric Falguera

Estibaliz Fraca

Judith Kleine-Staarman

Li Li

Manolis Mavrikis

Moises Selfa