Associate Professor in Educational Psychology (tenure track), Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education. Universitat de Lleida.
Honorary Research Fellow. Graduate School of Education. University of Exeter (U.K.)
Doctor in Psychopedagogy by the Universitat de Lleida (1999).
My research interest focuses on the dialogical use of technology as a tool that can promote the development of unique cognitive, metacognitive, and social processes. In this field of study, I have led six consecutive R&D projects funded by the Ministries of Education, Science, Universities and Competitiveness. Also, in this subject, I have led the UdL work team in three European research projects.
I lead the research group “Context and Cognition mediated by Information and Communication Technologies” –COnTIC. From 2005, the group has the recognition of Consolidated Research Group by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
I have carried out various research stays in international centres which have helped me to create a solid network of collaboration with other international research groups. Specifically, I did research stays as guest researcher at the Centre for Language and Communication -CLAC- The Open University (UK) with the team of Dr. Neil Mercer; at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Exeter (UK) with the team of Dr. Rupert Wegerif; at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge with the team of Dr. Wegerif and Dra. Sara Hennessy and at the University College of London Knowledge Lab with the team of Dr Manolis Mavrikis.
I am currently participating as an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Exeter in various research activities at the University’s Graduate School of Education. I am an associate research member of the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research Group (CEDIR) at the University of Cambridge.
My research career has a dual purpose, on the one hand, to transform the teaching and learning processes in secondary education. As a result, part of my research has been done in high schools and I have worked closely and equally with teachers and students. On the other hand, my research aims to achieve high scientific quality in the use of technology in education.