Noemí Font Piqué

Teacher of higher grade educational cycles (CFGS) from the faculty of the Secondary Education in the Generalitat de Catalunya.

PhD student in the framework of the Doctoral program in Education, Society and Quality of Life at the Department of Psychology of the University of Lleida.

Degree in Pedagogy (2003) from the University of Barcelona. Master in Educational Research (2012) from the University of Lleida.

After a stint in the private enterprise sector, she began her professional activity in Primary and Secondary education centers in 2008. During the years 2011-2013 she combined teaching in Secondary Education with teaching in the Master's Degree in Secondary Education at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Lleida. Then, during the years 2014-2016, she combined teaching in Secondary Education with teaching in the Degrees of Infant Education and Primary Education at the same Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Lleida. Currently, she combines her professional activity as a teacher of Training Cycles of the Family of Community Services with the realization of the doctoral thesis. The thesis aims to assess how the use of technology, collaborative work and creative processes improve the learning skills of secondary school students.

She is part of the COnTic research group, whose main line of research is the impact of ICT on working in pairs, and how working in a group increases performance, learning and creativity in both groups and individuals.

“Imagine the immense benefits if we unlocked the creative potential of the world's population by systematically implementing creative teaching through schools” (Sawyer, R. K. (2006). Educating for innovation. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 1(1), 41-48).