


Technology-enhanced pedagogical framework for collaborative creativity: Analyses of students’ perception. En: Demetrios G. Sampson, J. Michael Spector, Dirk Ifenthaler and Pedro Isaías (Eds). Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA), IADIS Press (225-232). Maynooth, Greater Dublin; Ireland. ISBN: 978-989-8533-43-2.

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Incidence of Group Awareness Information on Students’ Collaborative Learning Processes. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(4), 300–317.

Pifarré, M., Cobos, R. & Argelagós, E. (2014).

Using a blog to create and support a Community of Inquiry in Secondary Education. E-Learning and Digital Media, 11(1), 72-87.

Pifarré, M., Guijosa, A. & Argelagós, E. (2014).


Improving Information Problem Solving skills in Secondary Education through embedded instruction. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 515-526.

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L'ús de la Wiki a Primària: Aprendre a col·laborar, col·laborar per aprendre. Publicació digital. Ajuntament de Lleida.

Pifarré, M. & Jové, R. (2012).


Breaking up the writing process: how wikis can support understanding the composition and revision strategies of young writers. Language and Education, 25(5), 451–466

Pifarré, M. & Fisher, R. (2011).

Wiki-supported collaborative learning in primary education: How a dialogic space is created for thinking together. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(2), 187–205.

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